Daily Archives: August 13, 2009

Sex As A Morale Booster

Photography by Helmut Newton

Photography by Helmut Newton

Between the requisite morning shower and my caffeine fix, I found myself temporarily transfixed by a steamy segment on NBC’s Today Show.  The headline claimed that a healthy sex life contributes to a better performance in the workplace. I have always thought that having regular sex helps to create balance in the home, and confidence in the outside world, but I had never considered what its effect might be on me professionally. I won’t lie, I get a huge confidence boost from doing the deed. We all know that there’s nothing more self-esteem building and validating than having someone you find sexually attractive want you physically, and there is nothing better than having a heavy dose of Dopamine flowing in your bloodstream on the regular. That being said, it should make perfect sense that activity in the bedroom should help your activity in the boardroom. Should we test out this theory? I kind of did this morning…